
100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

We give full refunds and exchanges to unsatisfied customers for the full price of the product.  We do not give refunds after 90 days for credit card transactions, and we cannot give refunds after 60 days for purchases made through PayPal.  We do not refund postage. We do require that you send the unused portion back to us.    

We cannot make claims that our products will work for everyone.  We relay the testimonies given to us by those who have had success with our products to our customers and those interested in using our products.  Results vary and so does the diligence and consistency of application of the customer,  but we have see more positive results than we ever imagined.  We rarely get a return based on the product not working. Our product return rate is less that 1%.


  • Please understand before ordering that Perrin’s Blend™ is a thick, sticky, honey based, burgundy colored ointment that can stain clothes.  Please know that before opening the container it can be messy to use.  Also understand that results don’t usually occur in the first week. Sometimes we receive a testimony of a skin disorder or abnormal growth being corrected within the first 10 days of application but most of the testimonials of successful results usually involve 3-6 weeks of diligent use.  Some results have taken even longer as can be read in some of the testimonials posted on the our web site.  Sun Damage usually responds favorably to Perrin's Blend and also the Creme Complete.  Seborrheic Keratosis lesions can be stubborn and can take several weeks to remove.
  • We do not offer refunds for Trial Sizes or samples.