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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you ship outside the USA?

Do you ship outside the USA?

Yes!  We ship overseas to over 100 countries! When you begin the checkout process you will find the list of countries listed in a dropdown menu. International shipping costs range Start at $15.50 for one item and gradually increases with more items. We also have distributors in several countries.  Click here for a list.

Can the Creme Complete be used as a face cream?

Can the Creme Complete be used as a face cream?

Yes. The Creme Complete can be used as a moisturizing and corrective face cream.  Please be aware that if you are using the Creme Complete on an area that has sun damage, the Creme Complete may initiate a correcting of these areas.  This may involve inflammation of the damaged areas resulting in a dying off of abnormal skin tissue, which may involve redness, swelling, and itching of the specific area.  Many times this is followed by a rejuvenation and growth of new skin.  If you are concerned about inflammation then limit the application of the Creme Complete to 1-2 times a day. 

What is the shelf life of the Creme Complete?

What is the shelf life of the Creme Complete?

We recommend using the Creme Complete within a year of the manufacturing date.  If the Creme Complete is bought from our website you are guaranteed a recently manufactured product.  The Creme Complete may be effective after one year but since we use no artificial preservatives we encourage using within a year.  We want to ensure that our customers have the best possible results which means using a fresh product.

Can I refrigerate the Creme Complete?

Can I refrigerate the Creme Complete?

The Creme Complete can be refridgerated, and may actually help extend the shelf life.  We also recommend using clean hands when using the Creme Complete to avoid contamination.  When using any of our aloe based products, specifically ones in jars: Creme Complete, Revive, Nutra Cream, we recommend using clean hands when handling the product.

Can the Creme Complete be used around the eyes?

Can the Creme Complete be used around the eyes?

Yes.  All of our products can be used around the eyes.  We do not recommend getting any of our products directly in the eye, especially the Perrin Blend and the Cool Cleanse. Essential oils in some of the creams may be uncomfortable to some peoples, especially if too much is applied. Any soap is uncomfortable when in contact with the eyes.  Our soaps are no different.  Please avoid getting our soaps in your eyes.

About Perrin’s Blend

Can I use Perrin's Blend on large areas?

Perrin's Blend is a thick, sticky, honey based ointment.  It is not a cream.  It is more of a paste.  It is not easily spread over large areas, but a person can do so if he/she is determined to do so. It is also burgundy in color due to the grape seed extract which means it can permanently stain clothes, bed linens, etc. so we recommend covering the area with a bandage if staining a fabric is a concern to you. If you want a spreadble version of Perrin's Blend consider using the Cool Cleanse. 

Can the Perrin's Blend be used around the eyes?

Yes. The Perrin's Blend can be used around the eyes.  We do not recommend getting the Perrin's Blend directly in the eye because it is a thick, sticky, and sometimes slightly gritty ointment.  Please avoid getting Perrin's Blend directly in the eye.

Do I have to keep the lesion covered?

As mentioned above, Perrin's Blend is a sticky honey based ointment and burgundy in color due to the grape seed extract which means it will stain clothes.  Even though we have seen positive results with sporadic application, the best results come when the lesion is in constant contact the Perrin's Blend.  That also means leaving the bandage on during a bath, then not washing it off before reapplying.  Most of the time the lesion needs to be covered to prevent the Perrin's Blend from being rubbed off.  If the place is on your face (where there is less of a chance of the ointment being rubbed off) and you do not mind the appearance of the ointment, then there may not be as much of a reason to keep the area covered, and you can (if needed) keep reapplying during the day. 

Why is Perrin's Blend so thick?

Perrin's Blend is a high concentration of antioxidants in a base of raw honey, and honey thickens naturally.  We could add more honey which would help with the thickness but that would weaken the formula, so we have chosen not to do this.  The ointment seems to work better when it is so thick it actually has to be pressed onto the area being treated.  Once it makes contact on the skin your body temperature will start to slightly melt the honey, making it softer.  A thicker product runs less, which helps it to stay in place until a bandage can be placed over the area. 

If the thickness poses a real problem to you then you can thin the product with pure honey.  Some people choose to do this.  Another option is to add a few drops of pure aloe vera, the liquid form you would find at a health food store.  If you do this, we recommend you do it in a separate container and not contaminate the whole jar of Perrin's Blend.  

What should I use to apply Perrin’s Blend?

First, never use a cotton-tipped applicator.  Cotton fibers will stick to the ointment.  If you prefer not to use your finger, choose a firm applicator; a wooden paddle or spoon handle is fine.  If Perrin’s Blend is sticking to the applicator you may want to slightly oil the applicator before applying.  If you are covering the area with a bandage you can apply the Perrin's Blend directly to the bandage and then apply the bandage to the skin.

What is your return policy?

We cannot make claims that our products will work for everyone.  We relay the testimonies given to us by those who have had success with our products to our customers and those interested in using our products.  Results vary and so does the diligence and consistency of application of the customer,  but we have see more positive results than we ever imagined.  We rarely get a return based on the product not working. Our product return rate is less that 1%.

We do give refunds and exchanges to unsatisfied customers if the reason for the refund is reasonable.  We do not give refunds after 90 days for credit card transactions, and we cannot give refunds after 60 days for purchases made through PayPal.  We do not refund postage. We do require that you send the unused portion back to us.    

  • Please understand before ordering that Perrin’s Blend is a thick, sticky, honey based, burgundy colored ointment that can stain clothes.  Please know that before opening the container it can be messy to use.    Also understand that results don’t usually occur in the first week. Sometimes we receive a testimony of a skin disorder or abnormal growth being corrected within the first 10 days of application but most of the testimonials of successful results usually involve 3-6 weeks of diligent use.  Some results have taken even longer as can be read in some of the testimonials posted on the our web site.  Sun Damage usually responds favorably to Perrin's Blend and also the Creme Complete.  Seborrheic Keratosis lesions can be stubborn and can take several weeks to remove.

Is Perrin's Blend like Black Salve?

No, it isn't.  Black Salve can be extremely invasive and painful, and can leave scars.  There is no ingredient in Perrin's Blend that is similar to blood root, the main ingredient in black salve.  In fact every ingredient in Perrin’s Blend can be bought at a health food store and taken internally. Perrin's Blend is non-invasive, relatively painless, and most of the time leaves no scars. Sometimes there can be inflammation (redness and itching) associated with using Perrin's Blend but many times this is an indication that the place is responding to the Perrin’s Blend. In the case of Lichen Sclerosis, because of the sensitivity of this condition, many times there is burning sensation if the skin is raw and open.

How long does one container last?

How many applications in one container depend on the size on your lesion.  We have recently had a health food store owner comment that "this stuff [Perrin's Blend] lasts forever".  If you are treating something the size of a pencil eraser then you will probably get 75 - 100 applications out of one 1 oz. container.

What are the ingredients in Perrin’s Blend?

The ingredients are:

  • Raw Honey (local honey directly from the beekeeper),
  • Grape Seed Extract (extremely fine powder with no additives)
  • Natural Vitamin C powder - Ascprbic Acid (pure with no additives)
  • Natural Vitamin E powder - D-Alpha Tocopheral  (with a minute amount of Magnesium Stearate (a non-caking agent in the vitamin E)
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid powder (pure with no additives)
  • N-acetyl-Cysteine [NAC]  powder (pure with no additives)

All ingredients are nontoxic and are easily found in oral supplement form.   No chemicals or petroleum-based substances are ever added to any of Perrin Naturals® products.

What is the shelf life of Perrin’s Blend?

We put a two-year expiration date on it, because we know customers have had successful results after having it for at least this long.  Honey itself is a natural preservative.  

Should Perrin's Blend be refrigerated?

No, refrigeration is not necessary, or even good for honey.  Store at room temperature in a cabinet to keep it in the dark as much as possible.  Keep it  dry.  Never add water.  Water can cause mold.