Itch Eeze

natural remedy for insect bites and itching
An herbal salve for minor irritation and itching.

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    An All Natural Remedy for Insect Bites & Skin Irritations

    An herbal salve for minor irritation and itching.


    An updated version of an old and secret recipe, this herbal salve is formulated to relieve minor irritation and inflammation associated with insect bites, hives, sumac, poison oak, and ivy and other minor irritations.  The ItchEeze™ infuses wild-crafted plantain, organic yellow dock root, and organic dandelion root with organic castor oil, organic extra virgin olive oil, and organic beeswax.


    • Organic and wild-crafted ingredients.
    • Incorporates herbs used for itch relief since ancient times.
    • Enriched with natural Vitamin E.

    Organic castor oil, organic extra virgin olive oil, organic beeswax, natural vitamin E in soy oil, wild-crafted plantain, organic yellow dock root, and organic dandelion leaf & root.

    Apply to affected area.  Us as often as needed.

    "Natural Healing magic!!!"  -Deanna


    We are each unique and different people and a product may be excellent for one and not for another. But I am so tired of reading rave reviews on so many products that made zero difference for me! This company I don't know how they do it but their products work for me!! I love the soothe Away I notice marked pain relief. The fungal cream I'm not sure of yet. But this itcheeze is phenomenal!!! I was sick and ran a high temp and ended up with a head to foot itchy rash. I scratched my legs until they bled. I received this product yesterday and within 20 minutes of application the itch stopped. This morning I was surprised how the redness had diminished and was healing. I want to keep this product on hand always. Thanks Perrin for such wonderful products!!! I was about to give up on natural and go to the MD drug pushers. If you haven't had results with other natural salves this is really worth trying! I want to try some of their other products.



    "Stops itch better than hyrdocortisone" -Courtney


    Mosquitoes love me, as do spiders, ants and all sorts of other biting insects. I usually use hydrocortisone, but I have found that ItchEeze works better than hydrocortisone. I do apply it fairly frequently, but it really does help the bite itch more than the other options out there.



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