Scabies Extinguish

natural scabies treatment Scabies Extinguish
An All Natural Treatment for Scabies
    Currently unavailable
    Scabies Extinguish

    A natural approach to fighting scabies using an array of essential oils.


    Working in a two-prong approach our system uses coconut oil and olive oil to suffocate the scabies mites while engulfing the them with anti-scabies essential oils that have been shown to kill the mites.  


    Ingredient Highlights

    • Tea Tree Oil can be used to treat scabies, according to a report published in Archives of Dermatology. In another study, it was more effective than commercial medications against the scabies mite.
    • Researchers from the Queensland Institute of Medical Research used clove oil to kill two different types of mites in 15 minutes.
    • Tamanu Oil possesses antimicrobial, antibacterial, and anti-fungal qualities.
    • Lavender Oil is one of the most used natural treatment for scabies.
    • Thyme Oil, Oregano Oil, Rosemary Oil, Peppermint Oil are all anti-pathogen and have anti-scabies properties.
    • Neem oil works to interfere with the life cycle of parasites, and inhibiting their ability to feed and hatch eggs.
    • Olive oil and coconut oil work to smother the scabies mite.

    Scabies Extinguish:

    Organic unrefined virgin coconut oil, orgain extra virgin olive oil, neem oil, rosemary oil, lavender oil, tea tree oil, lemon grass oil, peppermint oil, clove oil, white thyme oil, tamanu oil, eucaluyptus oil, orange oil, oregano oil.


    Scabies Extinguish


    The coconut oil and olive oil work to smother the scabies mite while engulfing the them with essential oils that have been proven in lab tests to kill scabies mites.


    Directions: Gently rub over affected area. Repeat applications as needed up to 6 times in 24 hour period.



    Read the story behind how we developed Scabies Extinguish
    By Grace Bowers 


    Hello Judy, Jim, and James,


    Please forgive my delay in getting my scabies story to you.


    I can’t remember exactly when I noticed the red, purple swollen blotches beneath my eyes.  I thought my dark circles had never looked so bad.I also noticed at the same time that my eyes were tearing constantly, and my eyelids were also swollen, red and bumpy all the way up to my eyebrows. I had no idea what malady had befallen me.  I ruled out an allergic reaction to food and drugs as my diet was clean and I was on no pharmaceuticals.


    So, being a researcher at heart and not one to run to the doctor until all other options were exhausted, I hit the internet looking for pictures of skin conditions.  I searched for weeks, the condition worsened, moving down my face toward my chin line in almost vertical tracks.  Very very strange.  Very very uncomfortable.  


    Because I have an animal rescue, one of my friends suggested I look up parasites, which I did.  Finally I hit upon scabies and was immediately mortified as the condition implied filthy living conditions, and personal uncleanliness.  Neither was the case in our home or on my person.


    I began reading as well about the condition and holistic methods of healing. I had worked in health care for a very long time when this event was playing out in my life, and knew I wanted to avoid chemical treatment.


    I found Perrin’s online, called and spoke with Judy and relayed to her what I was experiencing.  I also begged, if I remember correctly, that she mix up some essential oils known to work well in ridding oneself of this menace.  By now, my painful face was also quite painful to look at.  Judy told me she could offer me no treatment but would sen my the oils I requested.  When they arrived I made my own mix in a carrier oil and prayed for healing.  I has also promised Judy to inform her of my results.  


    Within a few days my skin had gone from a purple, beet red to pink and the swelling had reduced.  My eyelids were not as swollen, making it less painful and easier to see.  


    I was treating myself in the morning and evening, bathing regularly and keeping my hairs and nails clean.  Within 2 weeks I noticed great improvement and the condition cleared.


    At this point I reported to Judy my results with gratitude because for the first  tim in months my face was not painful or inflamed.


    I continued to use the essential oil mix for another 2-3 weeks as a preventative and have had no reoccurrence in many years.  I also remember asking Judy to consider making an old blend for scabies treatment for her skin care line, which she did.  I am sure it has helped every suffered who was fortunate enough to find the Perrin Products website.  


    I also continue to use and recommend to others many of the other wonderful skin products available from Perrin’s.  I love the Creme Complete, Nutra Cream, Perrin’s Blend and the Itch Eeze.  My hope is that anyone seeking to enjoy happy, healthy skin considers their line of creams as an option when choosing a product.  Much gratitude and many blessings.


    Grace Bowers



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